Friday, December 18, 2009

What supposed place would be a bad spot to build an oil refinery?

etc. woods, civilised location etc..please show your source if any, website etc. thankyouWhat supposed place would be a bad spot to build an oil refinery?
1. Near my house: They can be noisy and smelly. There is constant truck and train traffic going in and out of them. They may be very brighly lit at night.

2. Away from transportation systems: A refinery needs pipelines, ship, train and/or truck transportation to receive crude oil and deliver refined oil products. You must consider transportation costs when building a refinery.What supposed place would be a bad spot to build an oil refinery?
Al Gore's back yard.
My back yard. But I would not mind the paycheck I would get for renting out the space.
In the Gulf of Mexico, in a low-lying area, near the confluence of the Mississippi River. This area would be prone to damage by high winds and wind-driven flood surges. This is exactly what happened when Hurricane Katrina hit the oil refineries near New Orleans.
Next door to my house because the fumes would be dangerous for my health.
the middle of downtown detroit.

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