Friday, December 18, 2009

Do you have an opinion on the Italian/Portuguese workers @ the Lindsey oil refinery in Lincolnshire?

Should UK workers been given 'some' employment there?

Thank you.Do you have an opinion on the Italian/Portuguese workers @ the Lindsey oil refinery in Lincolnshire?
The question about U.K. workers getting employment could be asked all over the world and perhaps should be.Do you have an opinion on the Italian/Portuguese workers @ the Lindsey oil refinery in Lincolnshire?
The question is that you, the UK, are a part of the EU and the workers in question are from countries belonging to the EU.

As you know, any EU citizen can work wherever he wants and has every right to do so.

You wouldn't like to see the english who work and live in Italy and Portugal to be persecuted and blamed, would you?

And if you knew something about economy you should be aware that protectionist measures like the ones you suggest, would worsen the already serious crisis 10 times because every country in the EU depends on foreign labour.

If you don't agree with the situation don't blame the italian and portuguese workers who only want what you want, to make a living and provide for their own.

The only thing you can do is to call for a referendum for the UK to LEAVE the EU.
People who complain about ';British jobs for British workers'; live in LaLa land. In an increasingly globalized world and with and unified European job market nationality of the employee related to the job location is no longer relevant.

Take note that the Italian/Portuguese crew supposed to start working on a project is already employed and trained by the Italian company who won the bidding for the project, which is supposed to be completed in four months. It wouldn't obviously be economically viable for the company to fire them (and pay severance and benefits) and hire and train British workers for the same project just to lay them off four months later.

It must also be taken into consideration the fact that NO workers had been laid off or made redundant at the facility because of the arrival of the Italians and the Portuguese. Quite contrarily, once the new plant will be complete and ready, the company who owns the refinery would likely be in need to hire more locals to manage and operate it.

All this has been put in jeopardy by a bunch of hotheads who play on the stupidity and ignorance of the average British jerk in order to create a problem for the Prime Minister, regardless of the fact that it would seriously undermine the earnings and the job security of many British workers (who joined the illegal strikes) in the process.

Meanwhile, about 100 British technicians and engineers that have been working in another oil refinery in Italy for a few months, so far without any protests or objections from the local Italian workforce, are now finding their jobs more and more in danger, since the Italian government is hinting about sending them back if the Italian workers in Lincolnshire won't be allowed to do their job.

In my view, the attempt by the company who own the refinery to appease the crowds by hinting at the possibility of hiring a limited number of locals to fill some positions is the wrong course of action.

They should have called the riot police to clear the way for the Italians and the Portuguese to do their job, and mercilessly fire all their workers who would refuse to go back to work, replacing them with people from former Commonwealth countries such as Australia, South Africa, Canada, etc., of which am pretty sure there will be plenty to choose among.

An unified and borderless job market benefits everyone, making European industries more competitive in the global economic arena, and providing and even distribution of jobs to people of good will. And once it has been started, there is no rolling back.

British unemployed workers should stop whining and look up in the ';Eures'; website ( who lists nearly one million open positions in the EU, both skilled and unskilled, to get a good paying job elsewhere instead of complaining when they can't get a job within walking distance from their homes.

And to the idiot who will boot out the Italians who make obscene gestures to the picketing strikers, since when it's OK to restrict free speech in the UK? I'm pretty sure the striking mob didn't exactly show peaceful gestures to them.
The firm that owns the refinery should use they're own people as managers/ foremen and hire the locals as the main bulk of the workforce. They must have money to burn because its going to cost them more shipping the workers over and putting them in digs. Ok then they could use on site caravans, but what about security? what about when the workers go off site who's going to protect them?
There are British workers already on the site - they're the ones who have downed the tools but there are plenty of well trained local people who were made redundant recently who could have filled the vacancies. However Total contracted the work out, under european law and the Italian company got the contract and preferred to use their own labour which is cheaper than the Brits. Blame Brown for signing us up to this piece of s**t legislation! What a fumbler! What a crass idiot! British jobs for British workers! You CANNOT say that as EUROPEAN legislation dictates otherwise and Brown knew that!

What about the 2000 Spaniards currently constructing the Olympic stadium in our capital city London??? That is supposed to be the flagship for the Olympics in England - why is that being built by Spaniards? European law obviously! We have thousands of builders, joiners, electricians, roofers, plumbers, decorators etc out of work and yet we have these people working?? I wonder if they're paying tax and insurance into our system or like the workers at Immingham that too is being paid in Italy! Beggars belief doesn't it?
I saw one giving an obscene gesture to British workers and I would boot him out of the country for that alone.

The problem is that British companies in the EU use British management but local workers. This is Brits playing '; fair'; again. We are mugs for expecting Don Corleone's legit side to play fair
they should have given it to our own you want to come and live here its like being in another country, and they make a mess of the place also they send their money out of this country where our people would spend it here
UK workers should have been given all of the jobs, boot Brown out his useless!
given their own

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